- 釣魚郵件EMAIL CLOSURE We inform you that your email will be closed on 05/05/2023 because you have been ignoring all our update messages that we send you.

釣魚郵件EMAIL CLOSURE We inform you that your email will be closed on 05/05/2023 because you have been ignoring all our update messages that we send you. 
釣魚郵件(Phishing emails)是一種詐騙手段,通常透過電子郵件來騙取個人或組織的敏感資訊,如帳號、密碼、信用卡號碼等。這些郵件通常冒充合法機構(如銀行、社交媒體網站、電子支付服務等)的名義,試圖讓接收者相信他們需要提供這些敏感資訊,否則可能會遭受損失或帳戶被停用。


<3>不要開啟 不要另存 不要下載 不要點按任何內容


We inform you that your email will be closed on 05/05/2023 because you have been ignoring all our update messages that we send you.

If you wish to continue using this email, please upgrade now to continue using our service. Download the attached MSN file to verify , update and validate your account ????@msn.com

Warning: If this message is ignored, the email will be closed without your approval.

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