- [107] An administrator creates a new address object on the root FortiGate (Local-FortiGate) in the security fabric. After synchronization, this object is not available on the downstream FortiGate (ISFW). What must the administrator do to synchronize the address object?

A3 AC超世代迷你路由器  
拿取網路線連接至路由器背面最左側的網路孔(圖示 ,黃色孔),另一端插上數據機(或電信業者提供的上網設備)的網路孔。
再拿取另一條網路線連接至路由器背面二個LAN網路孔其一(圖示 ,橘色孔),另一端接上您的電腦網路孔,即可進行設定。

Downliad A3 QIG 20170323.pdf


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